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Bitrate choose for guestplayer (share function)

Posted: 05 Dec 2013, 07:03
by lolomm

It woul be nice, if I share a video to someone, that this one can then choose between the bitrate for transcoding as an guest/anonymous.

Or to setup a higher bitrate for the "share"-guest player as a default.

In the options i found the menu 'groups', where I can set the default bitrates, but this has no effect to the "share site's"-player.

Is there a solution to fix it or to manually fix this???

best regards,


I have found a solution for set a static bitrate in the external player which is used for shared url:

C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 7.0\webapps\<madsonic>\WEB-INF\jsp\

--> edit the externalplayer.jsp and add the folloging lines:

Code: Select all

var maxBitRate = 5124; 
      //  var maxBitRate = ${model.maxBitRate};

Code: Select all

<script type="text/javascript">
then find:

Code: Select all

file: "${streamUrl}",
and replace with:

Code: Select all

file: "${streamUrl}${ ? "&maxBitRate=\" + maxBitRate" : "\""},
that's it :-D