How to install Madsonic on Tomcat 6 - Windows..

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How to install Madsonic on Tomcat 6 - Windows..

Post by tbone »

Hi everybody!.. o)

Because I have IIS6 running as my main webserver, which routes any jsp/java request to tomcat, I cannot use the integrated jetty-engine.
The IIS to Tomcat connection gives access to every application on that server by using standard port 80, and that's a must have, if I want to use madsonic from my working place e.g..
I managed to get subsonic working on my tomcat already by using the installer and then redeploying the war file into tomcat, deactivating jetty/subsonic-service before.

The point is, this handling does not do the trick for madsonic. I tried to use the installer, tried to delete the database, tried to remove c:\subsonic completly, tried different names for the war-file but all to no avail.
I just keep getting "HTTP Status 503 - This application is not currently available". I cannot even find logfiles in c:\subsonic, well there's seemed to be some database initialising once, but no exact error message or something.

So I really appreciate any instructions on how to get this "mad" thing to work with tomcat on windows.. o))

ps: Madsonic is what I expected subsonic to be, more configurable, more features, better UI.. o))

Have a nice weekend everybody and thanks in advance.. o)
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Re: How to install Madsonic on Tomcat 6 - Windows..

Post by tbone »

In the meantime..

I made it!.. o)
I found out, that Madsonic requires Java7 to run, so I went through all necessary steps to get tomcat6 to run with java7.

Open a CMD prompt and change directory to tomcat installation. Deinstall the tomcat service with the supplied "service.bat"
> service.bat remove <tomcat servicename>

Set env-vars to point to java7
>set java_home = ../jre7
>set jre_home = ../jre7

Make sure the env-vars above are set globally as well (computer properties / env-vars..)

Reinstall the service (make sure the service name does not include blanks, underscores or any special chars -> they did not work for me)
> service.bat install <tomcat servicename>

Deploy the war file (copy madsonic/subsonic.war into tomcat/webapps). Startup tomcat and..voila.. madsonic was ready to go.. o)
It installs to c:\subsonic automatically, so no need for the supplied windows installer.

I hope this is of any help for anybody else figuring out how to do this.. o)
Thank you!.. o)

ps: Now if there's a way to change c:\subsonic to be somewhere different, that would be nice.
I created a junction to actually have that folder on drive d:\, but that's more a woraround than an appropriate solution.
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