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Audiobooks as podcast feeds - better /podcast functionality

Posted: 06 Feb 2014, 02:42
by petzku
I own a few audiobooks on cd which I have then ripped to mp3. It's not very useful to just stream them through madsonic because you never can remember your position. Because of this I thought of using a podcast player to listen to the audiobooks. Then you could just partially download a book and then start listening. Also by nature the playback position would be remembered. Also that would eliminate the need for a separate audiobook app which would be extra nice.

There are these madsonic/subsonic problems standing in the way though:

1. the /podcasts xml feed uses internal urls to point to files ie. lanadress instead of wanadress
2. all the playlists (books) are displayed as episodes on the same feed. Thus my clients don't like 400Mb single episodes :D Would it be possible for madsonic to generate a podcast feed for every playlist separately? And even maybe separate the playlist's files as episodes in the feeds?
3. Maybe /podcast could show links to available podcasts/playlists instead of the direct rss feed?
4. Maybe even Madsonic players could start remembering playback position of podcasts?