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Media Scanning

Posted: 17 Jan 2014, 18:59
by woodensoul2k
Hello, I am running Madsonic 5.0 Build 3840 in Debian 7.3 stable with Oracle Java (build 1.7.0_51-b13). When I first scan my media folders over the network using smb/cifs everything is displayed perfectly. When I add media to the share and either wait for my nightly scan or hit the scan now option, it never picks up any new media. Here is the strange part, if I do and do a full database scan and cleanup everything gets added into Madsonic. Has anyone seen this or have any suggestions on what I could try?

Re: Media Scanning

Posted: 28 Jan 2014, 23:43
by priley2327
I get the exact same thing happening to mine.

Running Debian 7.3 Stable
Version 5.0.3840
Server jetty/8.y.z-SNAPSHOT, java 1.6.0_27, Linux (157.7 MB / 253.2 MB)

When I add new music or shows to my shares it never picks it up on the nightly scan, I too have to hit Full Clean and refresh.

using smb/cifs. and the server has full r/w access to the share.