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Hide folders from the home screen

Posted: 08 Nov 2016, 23:55
by oqnet
I really love the new setup on 6 vs 5 it seems much more polished and works much easier for me out of the box. I just want to reduce some of the clutter. I have a bunch of categories on my setup at work for different help videos so I will have a science main folder and sub folders for bio, chem and physics.

I want just the main folder for Science to show up on the home screen but I get all 4 showing up. Is it possible to not have the sub folder show up on the random screen or at least have a different option besides random for the home screen?

I can't seem to find anything that will help me out with this.

Re: Hide folders from the home screen

Posted: 22 Nov 2016, 21:04
by frank2228
I haven't tested it out yet but perhaps setting the default home page to something like Starred Artists or Albums and then Starring the folders you want as top level.