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.jsp template files (Sub vs Mad)

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 05:35
by ChuckTSI
Quick Question. Ubuntu User here. I installed .deb package

I love to customize apps. And coming from subsonic where I would simply modify the .jsp file in jetty/xxxx/webapps/WEB-INF/jsp and my changes would show.

No matter what .jsp file I change in madsonic, changes never appear. I even tried moving the the whole madsonic folder to madsonic.old and all I did was lose style sheets. The thing still ran!
Stopped and started the service and it recreated the/var/madsonic folder. How an I customize the .jsp files that render the page?

Thanks :)

Re: .jsp template files (Sub vs Mad)

Posted: 22 Feb 2016, 19:52
by ChuckTSI
Found the answer to my own question. In case anyone else is looking:

Board index ‹ Madsonic ‹ Server 5.x ‹ Feature Requests 5.x ‹ One touch/click mood list selection

I can't post the link directly as I am a new user and it's complaining it looks spammy.