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"404 Error Jetty" After changing context_path

Posted: 05 Feb 2016, 19:10
by Insann
I made a fresh install of madsonic 6.0.7960 and everything is working !
Debian 8 (Fresh Virtual machine !)

Here is the problem, After changing

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in the " /usr/bin/madsonic " file, i restarted the service.
Now when i'm trying to access to madsonic i got a 404 error in the jetty server ( that means i went through = Haproxy OK => Firewall OK => Jetty OK => Madsonic NO )

i'm asking my self if changing this parameter need to be done in some other place ?

maybe some services in madsonic apps don't get this parameter in the same files but in other files so they are a contradiction betwen the different madsonic services ?

