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changed admin password but can't login afterwards

Posted: 08 Dec 2014, 10:20
by pistolpete
hi there.
installed the 20140823_madsonic-5.1.5080 couple of weeks ago on my ubuntu server - worked like a charm.
I wanted to add another media-folder + user yesterday but wasn't able to login with the admin-user.

in the /var/madsonic/db/madsonic.script the users are listed like this:

Code: Select all

INSERT INTO USER VALUES('admin','enc:30376139323331613861343562313033626437353336613734393831613438633734643064336233',0,0,0,FALSE,NULL,0,FALSE,'')
INSERT INTO USER VALUES('default','enc:30666233396332333939363236343765653561366162386630663531613333323739393839633134',0,0,0,FALSE,NULL,0,TRUE,'#default user')
INSERT INTO USER VALUES('demo','enc:39633832656333653138666132643939303964666665633062313131343736623537663430623762',0,0,0,FALSE,NULL,0,TRUE,'#demo user')
INSERT INTO USER VALUES('guest','enc:65343434373266323239303434323062316237393730663765623666323863626166323261393131',0,0,0,FALSE,NULL,1,FALSE,'#guest account')
INSERT INTO USER VALUES('phil','enc:30376139323331613861343562313033626437353336613734393831613438633734643064336233',1564724616,0,0,FALSE,',2,FALSE,'')
so the password for user phil and admin should be the same. logging in with "phil" works fine but trying to login with admin and the same password produces an error :(

how can this be?

Re: changed admin password but can't login afterwards

Posted: 09 Dec 2014, 10:52
by pistolpete
or just tell me how I can change password again to gain access to the admin's account.

Re: changed admin password but can't login afterwards

Posted: 11 Dec 2014, 17:54
by DoCC
- stop the service
- backup the entire db directory
- restart the service .. wait few sec
- stop the service
- open the new madsonic.script file ... copy the newly added admin sting ( compl. )
- open the old madsonic.sirpt file , replace the existing admin string with the new one
- delete the newer db directory
- rename the old directory back in db
- start the service again

login with common credentials for the admin account

Re: changed admin password but can't login afterwards

Posted: 22 Dec 2014, 21:51
by pistolpete
thanks, that worked