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HTML5 support for audio

Posted: 06 May 2014, 13:44
by cgar
Support for HTML5 audio would be absolutely fantastic. Flash leaves much to be desired for the integrated player. It supports a whopping TWO compressed audio formats :lol:. Flash also doesn't play well with tor for accessing your music when the port is blocked.

With HTML5 we could use Ogg Vorbis, or the almighty new Ogg opus which would be spot on perfect for this kind of usage.

I am aware that there are things that allow this such as external players, Jamstash etc but to have such functionality integrated would be far better IMO.
I've seen the other thread titled HTML5 audio. It links to Scotts-media-streamer which I have tested. It works great without flash. It even played Wave! But its very light and a lot has been removed. Even theming so its a horrible bright burn your retina interface.

I would have posted there but its been nearly a year and a half. Is HTML5 in the works? I whole heatedly recommend it if not, the gains would be tremendous. :D ;)

Just saw TODO List 5.1
Upgrade JWPlayer to ?
This is exactly what I think would be perfect. Consider this a +1 of that.

Re: HTML5 support for audio

Posted: 24 May 2014, 16:07
by GJ51
Thanks for the post.

I agree that one of the most glaring problems with Sub/Mad sonic historically has been the slow transition to HTML5. It never used to bother me too much as I was always able to make things work through flash; but it becomes a pain when every time your phone gets an upgrade it wipes out flash and you have to go through the whole side-load routine to restore video playback.

I've been a big fan of ogg for years and I have a separate site that only transcodes to ogg so I can get better efficiency on my phone when I'm traveling.

Getting everything centered on HTML5 should theoretically solve all the issues I have with customizing things for different environments. I'm really hoping that a unified environment emerges that can handle music and video wherever you are and on whatever device your using. It would be a big improvement.

It looks like that's where we have to go if video on mobile is going to work well on mobile devices.