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LastFM Artist Cleanup

Posted: 29 Apr 2019, 16:25
by Immanuel

does anyone know what this feature does?
-> LastFM Artist Cleanup
I dont want to try it, maby it changes/ruins the tags of all the files.

br, Immanuel

Re: LastFM Artist Cleanup

Posted: 08 May 2019, 09:57
by KaeTuuN
As far as I know Madsonic gets their Artist Biographies from LastFM. So this could just do, what it says. Cleans up incomplete LastFM Artist Biographies on your Server. But I'm not sure.

Greetings Kae

Re: LastFM Artist Cleanup

Posted: 12 May 2019, 12:02
by Matt Zornig
True, MadSonic keeps the Last.FM Info in its Database for speeding up some things.

But it'll fetch it fresh from Last.FM if it is missing (in case of a deltetion or the artist was never fetched before)

So cleaning is safe, because needed data will be "re-newed" after a clean.