where is the madsonic source code?

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where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by ffa »

I'm looking for the latest, currently 4.8, source code of madsonic. I searched this forum and the subsonic forum for the latest source code, but only found the source code for previous releases, 4.6 and 4.7, on github under MadMarty, https://github.com/MadMarty?tab=repositories.

Where may I view the source code for the latest madsonic release, 4.8?

(I posted this question on the subsonic forum first, and now, here, on the madsonic forum.)

This topic is about pushing for a Madsonic repository which is kept up to date. In git terms, pushed to regularly. This topic is not about violating licenses.
Last edited by ffa on 08 Mar 2013, 23:48, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by ffa »

@ Madevil, this question is for you.

Any communication on the status of Madsonic's source code would provide assurance. Almost all software depends on the status of it's source for me. So, what's going on with the source code? Are you unsure if you should release the source code for the new version? Are you looking to turn a profit? Maybe have a free open source version and a paid open source version? Either way, open source will help Madsonic grow with community contributions and support. As you see, any communication about the status of Madsonic's source is helpful.
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by Otherland »

Hi ffa (and Madevil)

Please correct me if I'm mistaking...

Subsonic is under GPL v3 license, which means that Madsonic also is, which again means that the source code should be available for any.
Madevil is allowed to make a paid version, but the source code still need to be open, unless the paid part is different license and not part of the actual Madsonic code base/product.

If Madevil doesn't want other people to have (write) access the code that's fine. He can just make a read-only reporsitory or just make a zip file with the source code.
Anyone who makes changes and such to Madsonic is also under the GPL v3 license.

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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by jonnymnemo »

Hi !

Search the help section, the question has already been asked, and answered to ! ;)
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by ffa »

No, jonnymnemo, the question has not been answered. The previous answer is no longer applicable since the source code for version 4.8 isn't on github. Did you read my first post? If I missed something, please link to it. Also, searching for the key words "source" or "code" is not even allowed, http://forum.madsonic.org/search.php?ke ... %5B0%5D=14.

@ Otherland: Yes, Madevil, legally, has to release the source code under GPL v3 since the software is distributed, http://www.fsf.org/news/agplv3-pr (comparison of GPL v3 and AGPL v3). So, currently, Madsonic is in violation of the license inherited from Subsonic.
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by Madsonic »

Sorry for the long respond.

Madsonic will always be free, no license, no fee!

Link: https://github.com/MadMarty?tab=repositories

At Github you will find the released madsonic repositories,
at the moment the 4.8 branch is heavy under development and not easy to build,
so maybe at beta4/5 i will release a beta repository to public.

meanwhile everybody can have a actual Snapshot of the 4.8 Branch Source Code this is no problem, it's Open Source! ;)

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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by ffa »

The source could is most useful when released regularly. And, I don't understand how the difficulty of building correlates to releasing the source code.

My fervor on the matter is because the source code is the only assurance that the software will always be available and includes the additional benefit of community involvement. The source code should be pushed out regularly before and as binaries are released. In fact, regular pushing is a standard of git. One large aspect of open source is the transparency and community involvement which is largely lost when the source code is unreleased or released at random.

For example, Madsonic seems to be extremely better than Supersonic, a different Subsonic fork, but Supersonic has much more community involvement than Madsonic [1]. Madsonic should have a much more dominant community. And, thus even better assurance, support. Furthermore, git's history and other tools are very useful when working with source code. And, git is even the most easy option for distribution. So, why not push the latest code to the github repo?

[1] https://github.com/Mach5/supersonic: 104 stars, 35 forks, 3 pull requests, 39 issues
https://github.com/MadMarty/madsonic-server-4.7: 0 stars, 3 forks, 0 pull requests, 0 issues
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by bushman4 »

ffa wrote:So, why not push the latest code to the github repo?
Maybe he just hasn't had time. Or maybe he doesn't really want to say no to other people who want to add to the code because he wants to do it himself. Or maybe he just doesn't want people to see what has changed yet...

Why does it matter? Is there some kind of requirement in the GPL that, if you fork a project you have to share the code with the world? What if I fork something for my own use? Do I still have to share the results?

Personally I'd suggest that you have a little patience and let the man get to it... and if you don't want to wait, find another fork to get involved with...

But that's just my $.02. Your posts, when read, seem to suggest an entitlement to the source code, which I do not believe you have.

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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by rothchild »

Is there some kind of requirement in the GPL that, if you fork a project you have to share the code with the world?
Yup, that's kinda the point of GPL, the freedom to (continue to) modify the source is built in to it. If you're distributing a binary you have to make the source available too.
What if I fork something for my own use? Do I still have to share the results?
As I understand it, no. Because you're not distributing it.

http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-faq.htm ... stedPublic

It is exactly as you state, an entitlement to access the source code for any publicly distributed software built on GPL licensed code.
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by Madsonic »


as a consequence of the recent views and opinions that I would steal other code and enrich me with madsonic,
I will change to Closed-Source and will release no more binaries to public, so there is no more license violations!

last Source you can find @ https://github.com/MadMarty?tab=repositories

or in the Madsonic Forum in the Download Section. http://forum.madsonic.org

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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by rothchild »


I urge you to reconsider. At the same time as I was posting in this thread I was making a paypal donation to you, to encourage you to keep up the good work. It may have happened elsewhere but I don't see in this thread any accusations aimed at you? I see some discussion about the nature of GPL and lots of offers of support to aid the development of your most excellent mod through access to the source code.

I know I am but one voice and my donation was modest, but I hope that you will, upon reflection, decided to continue with Madsonic as a free and open project
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by Otherland »

Hi Madevil

Have people actually accused you for wanting to steal the source code and enrich yourself ?
I haven't seen it here in the forum or subsonic, but I haven't read all posts.
I hope that I haven't come across as accusing you for it, I never would.

Infact I was hoping I could assist you in the maintaining of the code, since I also have interest in the future of madsonic, and have many years of developing Java and JEE applications.
I would also plea for you to reconsider that you don't make it close-source and instead continue the development and publication of the code.

I think what you could do is to release the source code when releasing binaries, and make it clear that the source code is without any warrant.
It's up the the user itself to make it compile as long all the needed files are in the archive.

Please reconsider...

Madevil wrote:

as a consequence of the recent views and opinions that I would steal other code and enrich me with madsonic,
I will change to Closed-Source and will release no more binaries to public, so there is no more license violations!

last Source you can find @ https://github.com/MadMarty?tab=repositories

or in the Madsonic Forum in the Download Section. http://forum.madsonic.org

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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by GJ51 »

Well - isn't this a fine state of affairs ...

We finally get a dev that gives us the features we've been asking for and we harrass him into oblivion.

Thanks for insisting on what you think you deserve to the detriment of the rest of us who were patient and understand that this isn't the end all and be all of the developers life.

I don't blame you Marty, I wouldn't put up with this kind of treatment either.
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by ffa »

Since I started the post that garnered (valid) threats to kill this project, I'm now trying to fix my error of letting this topic turn into a flame about licensing. Which, I now feel was obviously going to be the result after the 3rd and 5th post. Hopefully, Madevil isn't irredeemably mad at our evil flaming. Please stop posting about licensing here, it only fuels this flame. This topic is only about maintaining an up to date repository. I'll continue to pursue my efforts to get Madevil to keep an up to date repository here and through other means. And, I'll keep this topic updated on the status.
Last edited by ffa on 08 Mar 2013, 23:50, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by ffa »

Also, until Madevil starts keeping an up to date repository of Madsonic, you may download a zip of the source from the downloads section. Look for the file with a "-src" suffix.
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by mlutzow »

Couldn't agree with you more GJ51!!!
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by chali »

What to say more than Congratulations, idiots have managed to destroy Additional one thing that was good.
I hope you feel good now that you killed a damn good product.

PS:Thank you for making a great product Marty and I hope in the future you will be back

/ Chali
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by Magica »

This is very sad situation if this conversation kills great development of Madsonic. :evil:
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by Skinjob »


Please reconsider! While perhaps a little overzealous and annoying, I don't think the posts about source code access were suggesting any evil motive on your part. I'm sure everyone here agrees this is by far the best Subsonic ever developed and we all want to see it continue and support you however we can. We all (including the GPL posters) recognize your amazing and unselfish contribution.

The point about GPL requiring you to release source when you release binaries is valid, but there's no reason that has to shut down this project. When you publish a build, just zipping up the current source and linking it on the download page should be enough. It would obviously be nice to have it in GitHub, but it's not a requirement if there's some reason you don't want to do that. Worst case, while we all love getting the frequent betas, you could just delay releasing new beta binaries until you are ready to also release the source. And as mentioned in a prior post, I'm sure there are devs here who would be happy to help out with build and source management. The point is, I'm sure there is some simple way to address the GPL concerns without causing you extra hassles and while still letting you control the source however you want.

So again, I really hope you reconsider! This is an amazing project and I know everyone here really values your work and wants to see it continue. Please come back!
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Re: where is the madsonic source code?

Unread post by GJ51 »


I believe that nothing says thank you as well as PayPal. :D
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