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Please Help

Posted: 31 Aug 2016, 10:56
by glun298
So i have 2 folders where my media is stored one called TV one called Films but these folders are password protected using .htaccess as its on a server and i dont want praying eyes to be able to get on from the web, but the problem is i have know idea how to grant access to madsonic can anyone please help

Re: Please Help

Posted: 01 Sep 2016, 18:42
by glun298
I have worked out how to fix this problem and incase it helps anyone else i have pasted what you .htaccess file should look like

AuthName "Secure Area"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /to/where/your/passwords/are/stored/.htpasswd
require local
require valid-user

so the fix was to add
require local
its also important that its before
require valid-user
if you put it after it still wont work

Hope this helps someone :D